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Hotel Ferrari - Salsomaggiore Terme (Parma)
Offerta Speciale Benessere in un giorno
Weekend di Relax e Benessere
Day spa Noi Amiche
Offerta Speciale Liberty e Benessere
New Treatment Phytomer Sculpture Integral
You can contact us by phone calling the number +39 0524 577744, sending a fax to the number +39 0524 574410 or, by e-mail, sending a message to for general information or to for information about the SPA.
Otherwise you can fill the following contact module (* fields are mandatory):

Name *   Surname  
Phone *   e-Mail  
Request Subject *

I consent to the processing of my personal data (Data Protection Policy)
** Hotel Ferrari respects and protects the privacy of people who submit this form. Information about you is not disclosed to any third party and is treated in respect of the Italian law about privacy (art. 13, 30 June 2003, law 196).